
Yes, that is me kissing a raccoon. It gives a quick, yet very accurate summary of who I am as a human, and how much I love animals and wild spaces.

My name is Becca and I am the sole owner and operator of B.Forever.Wild. The very fact that you made it to my page makes me jump for joy and I only wish I could see you and thank you in person.

I suppose I am one of the many varieties of a self-taught metalsmith. Although, that term seems to be pretty loose these days. Basically, I took an evening intro class in 2015 and fell in love with sawing, forming and working with metals. I started teaching myself from there, utilizing the wide range of available resources put out into the world by fellow metalsmiths and by years of trial and error. In addition to a small local community, I feel so grateful to be part of such an incredible online community of artists and small business owners from around the globe- a community I would not have without B.Forever.Wild.

I started B.Forever.Wild in 2016 and opened an Etsy shop in March of 2017. This all happened while living in Wyoming, a place which I called home for 8 years. I have since returned to my home state of Maine, where I am now rooted until the wind wisps me in another direction.

My jewelry is inspired by the wild open spaces of the west and the rugged coastline of the east. This inspiration comes from not only years of adventuring in these gorgeous places but also from my many years of work as a conservation crew member and leader, a trail crew member and a wildlife research technician. Embracing the natural world is what makes my heart flutter.

But who am I as a human?
-I love big mountain skiing and sea kayaking. Also, curling up with my dog and drinking lemon ginger tea.
-I love birds. When I see them I assume they know me and I have conversations with them (yes, fairly one-sided).
-I somehow can never keep a house plant alive no matter how hard I try.
-I have an obsession with fun socks (yes, I have a frequent buyer account at the sock shack).
-I am the middle of three sisters and it’s the best. I am the shortest.
-On occasion I enjoy a gas station hot dog.
-I firmly believe that making fairy homes as a child has shaped who I am today.

So there you have it, me in a nutshell. I am so happy you are here and I am honored to share my work with you. I hope you love it as much as I love creating it.